Day: January 21, 2015

“There’s a difference between being expensive and being valuable.”

Adam of Undone Chocolate

I had the wonderful opportunity recently to tour their kitchen space and learn more about their business. Though expensive relative to a $2 Snickers bar, I can honestly say that Undone Chocolate is worth the cost. For about the cost of a glass of wine, you can get a bar of clean, justly-made chocolate that will last for a while, because you’ll want to savor it! (I recommend the spicy one)

Undone Chocolate is way cool because Adam has a science-y background; throughout his studies, including his PhD work, he started to realize the health benefits of eating chocolate. On his first date with his wife, he handed her homemade chocolate bars (swoon). And the rest is history!

I think Adam’s quote can be applied to many other situations in life, as well.  If you are going to have chocolate, or any other sweets (or other indulgences), why not choose something that is good for your body and the world, too?

Quality over quantity.

Tiger Nut!

Check out this tiger nut (aka yellow nutsedge)! One of my coworkers brought it in after finding some at a health food store.

It is thought that our early ancestors (like millions of years ago ancestors) subsisted on them. Technically it is considered a “tuber” (like a potato), not a nut. But like nuts, it can be eaten raw, roasted, dried, baked, or as a milk or oil.

I thought it tasted good. The flavor changes as you chew (and it does take a bit to chew). For this reason I think it’s a good snack to have on hand because you kind of have to think about it while you eat.
