New Years

Continuing the cleanout

Woo! I’m not kidding when I say that New Years is my favorite holiday – I’m still celebrating it over a week later!

Turns out that when you start cleaning out parts of your life, you want to continue those positive changes in other parts of your life as well.

Here’s a few ways that I’ve continued eliminating clutter in my life:

  • Unsubscribing from emails, or changing my subscription to a lesser amount.
  • Unsubscribing from certain people and hiding certain posts from my Facebook newsfeed
  • Updating my social media platforms. In a webinar recently, someone said that the phrase “Dress for the job you want” should also apply to your social media pages. This inspired me to delete contacts or connections that aren’t useful or interesting (or who I don’t actually know!), and orient my news feeds to meet my goals.
    • If this sparks your interest, you can easily achieve this by following companies and bloggers that align with your professional and personal goals, and unfollowing ones that don’t. I’ve found this to be helpful because I already check Facebook and LinkedIn regularly, so why not make them work for me? It’s working smarter, not harder.
  • I haven’t done this yet, but I will be going through my business cards to check up on professional connections and eliminate contact info that is irrelevant or that I wouldn’t feel comfortable using.
  • Editing the notifications on my phone. Since I recently got a new phone, this is more on my mind than it usually is. I’ve been reorganizing my apps and changing notifications I receive to make my life better. I recently eliminated all notifications for my work email, because it stresses me out to see every email as soon as it comes in (plus my boss is ok with it and knows how to contact me when needed). In the past, I’ve set daily reminders with a positive message to occur right when I wake up. I’ve seen other people arrange their apps in creative ways (alphabetically, color-coded, etc) to inject some joy into their lives (hey, don’t knock it til you’ve tried it)
  • Reorganizing email folders and archiving ones that I don’t need (like the one related to my job from a year ago). There are ones that I don’t use frequently that I still want to keep, so I archive those to make the ones I use more frequently and that are more applicable to my daily life more accessible.

Happy cleaning.

Love, an enthusiastic organization freak.

…and looking ahead to 2015!

Here are a few of my resolutions for the new year.


  • Get published (again! wink wink)
  • Be less judgmental
  • Travel to somewhere I haven’t been before


  • Train for and complete my first half marathon. I’m shooting for less than 2:30 for my time
  • Start an indoor herb garden, and don’t let them die


  • Continue my automatic contributions to my retirement account. Depending on my job after July, try to increase the amounts invested


  • Continue working on my Spanish. Continue with my Spanish classes, and aim for at least one additional Spanish lesson per week on my own time (whether that is listening to songs and writing the words, reading a Spanish book, etc
  • Find a job that I really enjoy 🙂

Be well! Live long and prosper!