“If it doesn’t serve you, let it go”

After returning to my apartment yesterday afternoon, I spent the rest of the day cleaning out the old and making room for the new.

This wasn’t simply taking out the trash and recycling. I went through and cleaned out anything and everything that I haven’t used or that won’t help me reach my goals in some way. I also did a bit of rearranging to get the new year started on a good foot (and to switch things up a bit).

If you need some inspiration, here’s a few things I did:
-Eliminated cosmetics and cleaning products I felt were harmful. I had a few almost empty bottles that I’ve been saving “just in case”. Other things, I offered up to others

-Went through my bookshelf, especially the books I haven’t read yet. Any that I don’t think I’ll read or that I read and did not enjoy, I got rid off

-Went through the fridge to get rid of things I won’t eat (cough cough, that means actually tasting and eliminating the cabbage slaw I made months ago. Still not a fan)

-Tucked away some seasonal things I just don’t need currently

-Pulled items out of my closet that I haven’t worn in a long time or that need to be fixed

-Made better use of my space by moving things I don’t need to the backs of my closet, and made things I use frequently more accessible

-Condensed similar items and recycled old containers and boxes that I no longer need

Cleaning out my physical space – especially getting rid of things that won’t help me achieve my goals – helps me prepare mentally for success and gets me in the right mindset. Reorganizing makes things more interesting.

It also makes room for my new (to me) chair, which I am more than excited to have!

I used the quote above as my mantra for cleaning out the apartment. However, it applies to relationships and emotions just as much as it applies to physical objects. Now is a great time to evaluate your happiness level and figure out if you need to make any changes πŸ™‚

Don’t be afraid to let it go!


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